Finally, the wind is in the south so, anxious not to delay longer and risk missing the tides, I set off in the mist and rain. At Penberth, a local fisherman, looking every inch the part with magnificent "Captain Birdseye" beard, politely drew my attention to the notice forbidding the use of the slip by pleasure craft. Apparently diving RIBs had been causing a congestion problem. In return, I respectfully drew his attention to the probability of my being marooned here for evermore and, on hearing of the charitable nature of the venture, he graciously relented. For those of you of a more combative nature who are sitting there, no doubt imagining that I'm writing euphemistically of some sort of ranting confrontation, I assure you that it was all very gentlemanly. This is a very civilised part of the world. However, groups of kayakers eyeing up this very useful staging post for the assault on Lands End would do well to understand the local sensitivities.
Ah yes, the charitable nature of the thing. Thank you so much to those of you who have opened your purses for the MS Society and Musequality. I'm quite touched by your generosity, not least from those of you who have already greeted me en route with spontaneous acts of kindness. The endeavour feels much more worthwhile as a result.
Lands End and Cape Cornwall were duly rounded in a moderate sea and moderately miserable weather, the Longships light disappearing and reappearing in the swell.
More evidence of mining passed by in the murk.
Failed miserably to get the boat ashore across the sands and dunes to a campsite (the Royal Marines would not have been proud of me), so paddled to the harbour and up the slip to be greeted by a sign demanding £12 for its use (not likely). Engrossed in a telephone call to the Coastguard, I failed to notice the smiling face of Richard Sims, chairman of Hayle Canoe Club, who had just rolled up, in a car, with a kayak trailer in tow. Richard kindly transported me to a campsite and returned the following morning for the return trip.
Kajakträffar & mässor 2025
2 days ago
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