Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday 17th April: Rest day, Brixham

Spent the day enjoying this picturesque fishing port, complete with replica of Drake's ship, the Golden Hind.
Why do I need a day out? Well, there's lots to do: pick up a new pack of charts, tide tables, etc. sent poste restante from home, and send back the old ones; stock up on provisions; do laundry; make running repairs to kit; plan tides for the next couple of days; look at the medium term weather forecast on the web (the surface pressure charts are really helpful); and of course update the blog! I also fitted in a courtesy call to Brixham MRCC, and checked their detailed tidal stream atlas for the expected eddy that will help me get across Start Bay against the last of the flood tomorrow.
There's also the chance to do some serious eating, and let the salt water sores dry out for a day!
Thanks for all the comments - keep them coming. It's nice to know that folks are interested.


  1. Great blog, as well as great achievement.
    Following you all the way.May the good weather last. Mike (Tenor) ABC

  2. Great to see how well you are doing Graham. A particular delight to see how you are being embraced by various elements of the British maritime comunity. It sounds like the MRCC crew were quite helpful and I'm sure they appreciated the thoroughness with which you are approaching your endeavour.

  3. Brilliant following your progress, very jelous, Thames very boring in comparison. Well done Graham,

    Mike French
    Sarah HODGSON
