Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday 21st April: Lantic Bay - Pentewan (11 n.mi.)

Woke late, and took my time enjoying this idyllic spot. Decided on a gentle day's paddle. Arrived early at Pentewan, where there is a welcoming campsite just behind the beach (with internet access in the bar...). Pottered down to Mevagissey to have a look at the harbour, and back to Pentewan to do a bit of rolling practice before coming ashore. Fellow campers Richard and Heather provided tea, rockcake, and pleasant conversation - when I'm paddling solo there's always the danger of losing the faculty of speech, except insofar as it is required to remonstrate with myself!
Showered, and visited the security guard to scrounge battery-charging facilities. Discovered that he is friends with Jeff Allan, and in short order I was on the phone chatting to one of the great names of our sport (while Jeff, no doubt, was thinking "who on earth...?")


  1. Hi Graham,
    The last few days blog entries and photos are finally tickling my paddling arms, after a long lay-off since last summer's Isle of Man trip. I'm keen to get out there and share at least some of the adventure with you. See you soon ...

  2. Ian and I did the 18k from Looe to Fowey last Friday when you were resting in Brixham. There was a large swell and landing in Lantic was not possible. But it is a great place - one of the joys. I've only stopped at Pentewan in the summer - not so good then! I hope you didn't get charged £12 landing at Mevagissey? And so onwards to Falmouth /Swanpool. Jeff and Simon operate out of Swanpool (first sandy beach after Carrick Roads) - perhaps you'll bump into them on the water? Winds are strenghtening on Friday and you're in for quite blow on Saturday! Then light winds again so business as usual. Should be good for turning the corner down at LE on Sun/Mon. Good Luck . (Think of me on Sunday!)

    Well done for rolling your laden boat. Off the beach at Pentewan in the sunshine would have been much more pleasant than Weymouth Harbour.

  3. We so enjoyed meeting you and are full of admiration for your adventure. We read your blog avidly and will follow your progress; we loved the literary and poetic allusions. Best of luck and take care.
    Richard and Heather
